Wednesday, March 18, 2020

If You Want Peace, Prepare for War

If You Want Peace, Prepare for War The original Latin of the expression if you want peace, prepare for war comes from the book Epitoma Rei Militaris,  by the Roman general Vegetius (whose full name was Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus). The Latin is, Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. Before the fall of the Roman Empire, the quality of its army had begun to deteriorate, according to Vegetius, and the decay of the army came from within itself. His theory was that the army grew weak from being idle during a long time of peace and stopped wearing its protective armor. This made them vulnerable to enemy weapons and to the temptation to flee from battle. Vegetius quote has been interpreted to mean that the time to prepare for war is not when war is imminent but rather when times are peaceful. Likewise, a strong peacetime army could signal to would-be invaders or attackers that the battle may not be worth it.   Vegetius Role in Military Strategy Because it was written by a Roman military expert, Vegetius Epitoma Rei Militaris is considered by many  to be the foremost military treatise in Western civilization.  Despite having little military experience of his own, Vegetius writings were highly influential on European military tactics, particularly after the Middle Ages. Vegetius was what was known as a patrician in Roman society, meaning he was an aristocrat. Also known as the  Rei Militaris Instituta,  Vegetius book was written sometime between 384 and 389. He sought a return to the Roman military system of legion formation, which was highly organized and depended on a disciplined infantry. His writings had little influence on the military leaders of his own day, but there was a particular interest in Vegetius work later, in Europe. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, because he was the first Christian Roman to write about military affairs, Vegetius work was, for centuries, considered the military bible of Europe. Its said that George Washington had a copy of this treatise.   Peace Through Strength Many military thinkers have modified Vegetius ideas for a different time, such as to the shorter expression of peace through strength. Roman Emperor Hadrian (76–138) was probably the first to use that expression. He has been quoted as saying peace through strength or, failing that, peace through threat. In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt coined the phrase Speak softly and carry a big stick. Later, Bernard Baruch, who advised Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, wrote a book titled Peace Through Strength about a defense plan. The phrase was publicized widely during the 1964 Republican presidential campaign and was used again during the 1970s to support the construction of the MX missile. The adage justified the Cold War buildup of nuclear missiles as a deterrent to war. Ronald Reagan brought peace through strength back into the limelight in 1980, accusing President Jimmy Carter of weakness on the international stage. Said Reagan: We know that peace is the condition under which mankind was meant to flourish. Yet peace does not exist of its own will. It depends on us, on our courage to build it and guard it and pass it on to future generations.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Tap Water in 42 States Contaminated by Chemicals

Tap Water in 42 States Contaminated by Chemicals Public water supplies in 42 U.S. states are contaminated with 141 unregulated chemicals for which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has never established safety standards, according to an investigation by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Tainted Tap Water Used by Millions of Americans Another 119 regulated chemicals- a total of 260 contaminants altogether- were found by the environmental group in a two-and-a-half-year analysis of more than 22 million tap water quality tests. The tests, which are required under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, were conducted at nearly 40,000 utilities that supply water to 231 million people. Pollution Threatens Tap Water Quality According to a report by the EWG, the top 10 states with the most contaminants in their drinking water were California, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, New York, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Illinois- in that order. EWG said the biggest sources of contaminants were agriculture, industry, and pollution from sprawl and urban runoff. Utilities Need More Enforceable Standards for Tap Water EWGs analysis also found that almost all U.S. water utilities comply fully with enforceable health standards once they are developed. The problem, according to the environmental group, is the EPAs failure to establish enforceable health standards and monitoring requirements for many tap water contaminants. Our analysis clearly demonstrates the need for greater protection of the nations tap water supplies, and for increased health protections from a number of pollutants that are commonly found but currently unregulated. said Jane Houlihan, vice president for science at EWG, in a prepared statement. Utilities routinely go beyond what is required to protect consumers from these contaminants, but they need more money for testing, and for protection of vital source waters. Additional Information: Why Is Chlorine Added to Tap Water?Does Fluoride in Tap Water Improve or Harm Your Health?